Healthy And Easy Granola Recipe

Today I’ll show you just how easy it is to make this healthy and easy granola recipe. This recipe was originally given to me by my sister in law and I was instantly hooked.

This granola recipe is as its name suggests, healthy and easy. So with just a few slight changes made, I introduce to you this healthy homemade granola.

What You’ll Need

ingredients for easy granola recipe

  • 250 gr whole grain rolled oats
  • 1  orange juice
  • 1 orange zest
  • 30 gr coconut oil
  • 60 gr maple syrup
  • 45 gr pecans
  • 45 gr coconut flakes
  • Pinch of sea salt
  • 45 gr cashews
  • 45 gr hazelnut
  • 50 gr dried mango
  • 45 gr dried cranberries



1. First things first, wash your hands and make sure your work space is clean before you begin. This is important because we don’t want anything contaminating our granola and shortening its shelf life.

2. Wash the orange, grate the zest and squeeze the juice, then add the maple syrup and coconut oil to the bowl.


3. Add the rolled oats and mix well. It may take a minute or so for the oats to absorb all of the liquid, so keep mixing.


4. Now divide the mixture evenly on a baking tray, lined with baking paper, not packing too much into one tray or else they won’t bake evenly, and pop into the oven at 356 degrees Fahrenheit (180 degrees Celsius) until golden brown.

5. Check in a few times and give the oats a good mix, so they won’t stick to the baking paper.


6. While the oats are baking away, weight the dried fruit and nuts and thinly slice the mango into strips.

easy granola recipe

7. When ready, take out of the oven and let the oats completely cool down before adding the fruit and nuts.

8. Finally, mix everything together and transfer your healthy homemade granola into jars, preferably air-locked, as not to let any air in and shorten its shelf life.

easy granola recipe

Keep in the pantry, away from direct light and eat within 2 weeks. When ready to eat, serve with ground flax-seeds, chia, freshly cut fruit of your choice or as is.

Tip – I love to make them in smaller batches to insure freshness.

To conclude, E N J O Y, stay tuned for more healthy and easy recipes and

Have A Bright Day xx

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