Hi! I’m Elinor. Creator, Pastry Chef turned healthy, self-taught cook, wife, succulent lover, Australian, Israeli, with a dash of German too! Quite the cocktail, right?Welcome to my little corner of the net, Let’s Brighten Up. A healthy vegan food blog that’ll brighten up your eating experiences, views on food and baking!

Influencing You Through Your Taste Buds
I have created a platform where I can share and show you just how incredibly delicious a vegan meal or sweet treat can be without animal products, processed ingredients, or refined sugars.
A Little Background As To How It All Began!
After having worked for many years as a pastry chef, baking hundreds of cakes, cookies, pastries, and sweets every day and constantly tasting each variety to ensure they were 100% up to standards, I started questioning what I was eating. As I became aware, I understood that I wanted to change my entire lifestyle, and embrace a healthier one.
My Love For The Kitchen
My passion for cooking began while I was working in a restaurant many years ago. Although I ended up pursuing my passion for baking, none the less, my passion for cooking remains. The kitchen is by far my favorite part of the house. It’s my “man cave”, where I’m in my zone, and where I’m most at peace with myself. The kitchen is where I connect with my creativity, and where most of my inspiration is born.
My Love For Fermentation
Occasionally you’ll find that I post a random fermented or pickled vegetable recipe. They have many health benefits, are extremely delicious, and I can’t get enough of them, like my
homemade dill pickles that I’ll always have a jar of in my fridge. You can read more
Where To Start?
If you’re new here, I’ve handpicked a few of my favorite recipes for you to try out.
No Bake Pecan Bars Vegan Maple CakeDate And Walnut CookiesChick Pea And Walnut BurgersVegan Fish FingersNutty Roasted Cauliflower FloretsBaked Homemade Seitan With Peanut Butter CurryI’d love to get to know you all, so please feel free to leave a comment or contact me
here.Much love from Elinor, Let’s Brighten Up xx